“Disconnection through seeking connection
I see you
Unintentional waterskier
With empathic hands and tears of confusion
I guide eight startled legs
From sink to safe seclusion
Kindly stay off my toothbrush
And please don’t fall!
I feel myself pressed
Weeping dull against the door
Asking this spider
What’s your name?
Hello Sally mc Paul
A tall shadow with a golden floofer
I could never have been ready
What we often take for granted
Now entangles me with envy
Everything‘s complex
And feels so unsteady
I block out the tall figure
Grin to the one in the lead
But this pavement is fractured
Heart still dragging behind my feet
I’m an eccedentesiast?
There’s one thing that I need
I’m an eccedentesiast
And that one thing I can only grieve
I still can’t paint you
Laying in my own canvas of tears
I still wait for your call
In puddles of mourning
Deafened by birds that are strangers
Interrupted constantly
By their collaborative squalls
Is this all my fault?
Why my phone won’t connect?
Every damn morning
The phone line feels wrecked”
@theawkwardorchid gave me consent to share
